UVM Gutterson Fieldhouse is one of UVM.

1. UVM Gutterson Fieldhouse

97 Spear St, Burlington, VT
Pista de Hóquei de Faculdade · 21 dicas e avaliações
UVM Patrick Gymnasium is one of UVM.

2. UVM Patrick Gymnasium

97 Spear St, Burlington, VT
Ginásio de Esportes da Faculdade · 17 dicas e avaliações
UVM Dudley H. Davis Center is one of UVM.

3. UVM Dudley H. Davis Center

590 Main St, Burlington, VT
Centro Acadêmico · 33 dicas e avaliações
University Of Vermont is one of UVM.

4. University Of Vermont

85 S Prospect St (at College St), Burlington, VT
Universidade · 5 dicas e avaliações
Church Street Marketplace is one of UVM.

5. Church Street Marketplace

Church St, Burlington, VT
Shopping Center · Church Street, Burlington, VT · 40 dicas e avaliações
Perkins Pier is one of UVM.

6. Perkins Pier

Battery St (at the bottom of Maple St), Burlington, VT
Píer · 6 dicas e avaliações
UVM Bookstore is one of UVM.

7. UVM Bookstore

590 Main St, Burlington, VT
Livraria da Faculdade · 1 dica

8. UVM Wheeler House

133 S Prospect St (Main St), Burlington, VT
Prédio Administrativo da Faculdade · Nenhuma dica ou avaliação
Penny Cluse Café is one of UVM.

9. Penny Cluse Café

169 Cherry St (at S Winooski Ave), Burlington, VT
Café da Manhã · 94 dicas e avaliações
Small Dog Electronics is one of UVM.

10. Small Dog Electronics

100 Dorset St (at Williston Rd), Burlington, VT
Loja de Eletrônicos · South End · 14 dicas e avaliações

HarjitHarjit: Mention Foursquare and get a free coffee mug!

City Market (Onion River Co-op) is one of UVM.

11. City Market (Onion River Co-op)

82 S Winooski Ave (at College St), Burlington, VT
Mercado Orgânico · 76 dicas e avaliações

Brian S.Brian Swichkow: Great selection of foods an produce. Make sure to try a sandwich from the deli.

Muddy Waters is one of UVM.

12. Muddy Waters

184 Main St, Burlington, VT
Café · 59 dicas e avaliações

Amanda W.Amanda Wormann: Muddy's shake, but that's a given.

Church & Main Restaurant is one of UVM.

13. Church & Main Restaurant

156 Church St (at Main St), Burlington, VT
Restaurante Americano · 18 dicas e avaliações

DeepDishDeepDish: Excellent wine list and most are by the glass. Some are even by the ounce.

Leunig's Bistro is one of UVM.

14. Leunig's Bistro

115 Church St (at College St), Burlington, VT
Bistrô · 74 dicas e avaliações

Trevor C.Trevor Christian: Bistro $15 Dinner also runs Sunday through Thursday from 9-10pm for the night owls. Generous portions and attentive service, the Cavatappi Carbonara is phenomenal!

BCA Center is one of UVM.

15. BCA Center

135 Church St, Burlington, VT
Galeria de Arte · 5 dicas e avaliações
Outdoor Gear Exchange is one of UVM.

16. Outdoor Gear Exchange

37 Church St (at Cherry St), Burlington, VT
Varejista de Artigos Esportivos · 19 dicas e avaliações

Caity P.Caity Patey: Awesome staff who know their shit. Ask for help and you'll get the best service you've ever had.

American Flatbread is one of UVM.

17. American Flatbread

115 Saint Paul St, Burlington, VT
Pizzaria · 115 dicas e avaliações

Seven DaysSeven Days: American Flatbread Burlington Hearth has won tons of awards from our readers, from best dinner restaurant to best bathroom. Must be a pretty good place! Leia mais.

Crow Bookshop is one of UVM.

18. Crow Bookshop

14 Church St (at Pearl St), Burlington, VT
Livraria · 11 dicas e avaliações

Stevie C.Stevie Church: Who doesn't love old books? You can always find something you didn't know you needed.

Vermont Pub & Brewery is one of UVM.

19. Vermont Pub & Brewery

144 College St (at St. Paul St), Burlington, VT
Cervejaria · 119 dicas e avaliações

Seven DaysSeven Days: This brewpub is a perennial Daysie winner. Try the beer mixtures — a Half & Half mixes the Burly Irish Ale and the Irish Stout, the Snakebite blends Woodchuck cider and Dogbite. Mmmmm.

Higher Ground is one of UVM.

20. Higher Ground

1214 Williston Rd, South Burlington, VT
Casa de Shows · 22 dicas e avaliações
The Tap Room at Switchback Brewing Company is one of UVM.

21. The Tap Room at Switchback Brewing Company

160 Flynn Ave, Burlington, VT
Cervejaria · South End · 23 dicas e avaliações
Shelburne Farms is one of UVM.

22. Shelburne Farms

1611 Harbor Rd, Shelburne, VT
Fazenda · 19 dicas e avaliações

Anna P.Anna Palmer: Walk...wagon...wheel on over Olmstead landscape design plus lake and architecture make this one of a kind Leia mais.

Stowe Mountain Resort is one of UVM.

23. Stowe Mountain Resort

5781 Mountain Rd, Stowe, VT
Resort e Pista de Esqui · 64 dicas e avaliações

Mike H.Mike Huber: Ski Mansfield early to get the best runs, then over to Spruce Peak to catch some rays in the afternoon!

Magic Hat Brewing Company is one of UVM.

24. Magic Hat Brewing Company

5 Bartlett Bay Rd, South Burlington, VT
Cervejaria · 74 dicas e avaliações
Otter Creek Brewery is one of UVM.

25. Otter Creek Brewery

793 Exchange St, Middlebury, VT
Cervejaria · 24 dicas e avaliações
Long Trail Brewing Company is one of UVM.

26. Long Trail Brewing Company

5520 US Route 4, Bridgewater Corners, VT
Cervejaria · 90 dicas e avaliações
Harpoon Brewery & Riverbend Taps is one of UVM.

27. Harpoon Brewery & Riverbend Taps

336 Ruth Carney Dr (at Park Rd), Windsor, VT
Cervejaria · 73 dicas e avaliações
Red Square is one of UVM.

28. Red Square

136 Church St (btwn College St & Main St), Burlington, VT
Casa Noturna · 41 dicas e avaliações
Rí Rá is one of UVM.

29. Rí Rá

123 Church St (btwn College & Main), Burlington, VT
Pub Irlandês · 49 dicas e avaliações
Three Tomatoes Trattoria is one of UVM.

30. Three Tomatoes Trattoria

83 Church St, Burlington, VT
Restaurante Italiano · 20 dicas e avaliações
What Ale's You is one of UVM.

31. What Ale's You

152 Saint Paul St (at Main St), Burlington, VT
Bar · 9 dicas e avaliações

Broke In BurlingtonBroke In Burlington: Monday-Thursday $1 Rolling Rocks and PBR's

Uncommon Grounds Coffee & Tea is one of UVM.

32. Uncommon Grounds Coffee & Tea

42 Church St (at Cherry St), Burlington, VT
Cafeteria · 83 dicas e avaliações
Al's French Frys is one of UVM.

33. Al's French Frys

1251 Williston Rd (at Midas Dr), South Burlington, VT
Hamburgueria · 72 dicas e avaliações
The Skinny Pancake is one of UVM.

34. The Skinny Pancake

60 Lake St (at College St), Burlington, VT
Creperia · 88 dicas e avaliações
Red Onion is one of UVM.

35. Red Onion

140 1/2 Church St, Burlington, VT
Sanduicheria · 34 dicas e avaliações

Bridgette A.Bridgette Abare: Amazing Sandwiches..GREAT lunch spot. Highly recommended

Ruben James is one of UVM.

36. Ruben James

159 Main St (btwn Church St & Saint Paul St), Burlington, VT
Bar Esportivo · Downtown Burlington, Burlington, VT · 35 dicas e avaliações

Bridgette A.Bridgette Abare: Great for a pre-game spot. Tip the bartenders well. Especially Sid. He will treat you well. Don't be rude to the bouncers, they will not tolerate it. Great for watching games.

Drink is one of UVM.

37. Drink

135 Saint Paul St (btwn College & Main), Burlington, VT
Bar de Coquetéis · 48 dicas e avaliações

Bridgette A.Bridgette Abare: A good place to hang out on couches and lounge. They have games such as connect 4 and others for a low key night.

JP's Pub is one of UVM.

38. JP's Pub

139 Main St (btwn Church and St Paul), Burlington, VT
Karaokê · 9 dicas e avaliações