Nate Oubre

Nate Oubre


Oakland, Calif
  • 2 Dicas
  • 15 Seguidores
  • 39 Seguindo
  • 2 Listas
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  • Oakland
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As principais cidades de Nate
2 Dicas
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Nate Oubre
64 locais atualizados
64 lugares incluindo Ironside, The Hog's Apothecary, Hawker Fare, The Hog's Apothecary
Nate Oubre
6 locais atualizados
6 lugares incluindo 31st Union, The Hyde-Out, Bay Grape, 5A5 Steak Lounge
    "They have fantastic wine and the service is great. You can often find the owners behind the bar and they are very knowledgeable."
    Nate OubreNate Oubre · Janeiro 31, 2015
    · Oakland, Estados Unidos
    "You have to have the crab poppers, the peel and eat shrimp, and the oysters. If you like beer order one of there beer and a shot specials and pour the shot into the beer for a little extra kick."
    Nate OubreNate Oubre · Outubro 25, 2014
    Frutos do Mar
    · Oakland, Estados Unidos