"Since your in the area, be sure to check the great restaurants in west 187th St!"
· Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
"While here, take a moment to enjoy Inwood Park, where there are the only native trees in NYC!"
Apartamento ou Condomínio
· Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
"Take a few minutes and walk up to the park and enjoy the beautiful flower garden and the view of the Palisades at Fort Tryon Park."
· Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
"While you enjoy your fresh coffee, check out the great apartments in the area. They are the best value in the city!"
· Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
6.7"While in the area, head over to Malecon for the best Dominican food in NYC, and it's under $10!"
Apartamento ou Condomínio
· Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
"Since your in the area, head up to West 187th and Fort Washington and enjoy the Sushi lunch special at 107 West Restaurant!"
Apartamento ou Condomínio
· Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos