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Mechanics' Institute

Mechanics' Institute

Biblioteca e Livraria
Downtown San Francisco-Union Square, São Francisco
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  • Ali D.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Ali DagliAbril 10, 2017
    How can one go wrong with 150-year-old boutique library and the longest running chess club. Probably my most meaningful membership in the city.
  • Julia S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Julia SunJaneiro 24, 2017
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Great place to read, work and think. A true SF gem. Open 7 days a week, closes at 9 pm Mon - Thurs.
  • Jeremy S.
    Jeremy SnellFevereiro 8, 2010
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    Take the free tour on Wednesday's at noon! Cool old building and looks like a real library. Cozy leather chairs and polished brass. Very nice staff too. Leia mais
  • Jess L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jess LMarço 15, 2016
    Great public (and free) tour every Wednesday that is an interesting look at SF history.
  • Paul N.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Paul NovareseJunho 18, 2018
    Absolutely amazing architecture
  • Parker H.
    Parker HAbril 29, 2012
    The oldest library on the West Coast and the oldest chess club in the US. Take the free tour on Wednesdays at noon.
  • Joanne
    JoanneDezembro 20, 2015
    Beautiful spiral staircase.
  • Saliemícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    SaliemJaneiro 29, 2017
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    Great selection of cookbooks and food related items 💕💕
  • Todd N.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Todd NilsonNovembro 16, 2015
    Check out the beautiful spiral stairway.
  • Barceícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    BarceMaio 15, 2019
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    The architecture is beautiful but this place is kinda depressing. Old people that are still racist that move away when you sit. Homeless folks who hang out not even to read. It just feels sad.
  • Rodney L.
    Rodney LinebargerSetembro 6, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 25 vezes!
    Incredible all you can eat pasta on Tuesdays. Don't miss it.
  • Saliemícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    SaliemJaneiro 20, 2017
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    Love their new building and innovation talks 💕💕
  • The Bold Italic
    The Bold ItalicMaio 31, 2011
    This library has comfy chairs, movie screenings, lectures with bigwigs, chess and wine tasting events. Leia mais
  • Suki K.
    Suki KAgosto 24, 2009
    Take the noon tour on a Wednesday.
  • Carlos A.
    Carlos AmbrozakAgosto 3, 2009
    Read in peace at the Mechanic's Institute Library.
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