reskivo's top pix
Nicky's Vietnamese Sandwiches is one of reskivo's top pix.

1. Nicky's Vietnamese Sandwiches

150 E 2nd St (btwn Ave A & Ave B), Nova Iorque, NY
Restaurante Vietnamita · Alphabet City · 49 dicas e avaliações
Tartine is one of reskivo's top pix.

2. Tartine

253 W 11th St (W. 4th), Nova Iorque, NY
Restaurante Francês · West Village · 224 dicas e avaliações
Motorino is one of reskivo's top pix.

3. Motorino

349 E 12th St (at 1st Ave), Nova Iorque, NY
Pizzaria · East Village · 315 dicas e avaliações
Num Pang Sandwich Shop is one of reskivo's top pix.

4. Num Pang Sandwich Shop

21 E 12th St (btwn 5th Ave & University Pl), Nova Iorque, NY
Sanduicheria · Greenwich Village · 276 dicas e avaliações

Matt R.Matt Restivo: this sandwhich will change ur life. pork, meatball, shrimp. du it. If you're starving get two

Milk Bar is one of reskivo's top pix.

5. Milk Bar

251 E 13th St (at 2nd Ave), Nova Iorque, NY
Loja de Sobremesa · East Village · 711 dicas e avaliações

Matt R.Matt Restivo: if you like the crack pie, ask the server about heroin pie. (it's hidden from the menu)

Schiller's Liquor Bar is one of reskivo's top pix.

6. Schiller's Liquor Bar

131 Rivington St (at Norfolk St), Nova Iorque, NY
Restaurante Americano · Lower East Side · 317 dicas e avaliações

Matt R.Matt Restivo: great drinks here!

Vanessa's Dumpling House is one of reskivo's top pix.

7. Vanessa's Dumpling House

118 Eldridge St (btwn Broome St & Grand St), Nova Iorque, NY
Casa de Dumpling / Guioza · Lower East Side · 418 dicas e avaliações
Brooklyn Taco Company is one of reskivo's top pix.

8. Brooklyn Taco Company

120 Essex St (at Delancey St.), Nova Iorque, NY
Casa de Tacos · Lower East Side · 41 dicas e avaliações
Jeffrey's Grocery is one of reskivo's top pix.

9. Jeffrey's Grocery

172 Waverly Pl (at Christopher St), Nova Iorque, NY
Restaurante Americano · West Village · 236 dicas e avaliações
Black Tree is one of reskivo's top pix.

10. Black Tree

131 Orchard St (btwn Rivington St & Delancey St), Nova Iorque, NY
Restaurante Americano · Lower East Side · 109 dicas e avaliações
Mission Cantina is one of reskivo's top pix.

11. Mission Cantina

172 Orchard St (at Stanton St), Nova Iorque, NY
Restaurante Mexicano · Lower East Side · 198 dicas e avaliações