Joei M

Joei M


Houston, TX
  • 20 Dicas
  • 0 Seguidores
  • 0 Seguindo
  • 2 Listas
Listas de Joei em Todas as cidades
  • Sugar Land
  • San Antonio
  • Houston
  • Todas as cidades
As principais cidades de Joei
Sugar Land
1 Dica
San Antonio
7 Dicas
12 Dicas
Joei ainda não tem nenhum seguidor.
Carregue mais
Joei ainda não seguiu ninguém.
Carregue mais
Joei M
1 locais atualizados
1 lugar incluindo iPic Theaters
Joei M
19 locais atualizados
19 lugares incluindo Barnes & Noble, River Oaks Elementary School, Sharpstown International High School, Gulfton
    Dicas recentes de Joei
    "I loved going to school here it's fun and an awesome place to learn the teachers and staff are so nice and very involved in every child's learning."
    Joei MJoei M · Outubro 11, 2016
    Ensino Primário
    · Houston, Estados Unidos
    "This place has changed so much from what it was years ago. Now it's one of the best schools in Houston and probably Texas."
    Joei MJoei M · Setembro 30, 2016
    Ensino Médio
    · Houston, Estados Unidos
    "The side where there are actual houses is very nice and quiet. Most of the people that live in the apartments are very nice too. Yet you still have to be careful of course."
    Joei MJoei M · Agosto 30, 2016
    · Houston, Estados Unidos
    "It's an amazing place to go and hang out with your friends and find the brands you want."
    Joei MJoei M · Agosto 29, 2016
    Shopping Center
    · Sugar Land, Estados Unidos
    "Always come here to get the little nick nacks I might need"
    Joei MJoei M · Agosto 29, 2016
    · Houston, Estados Unidos
    "The best sauce there ever. The chicken just tastes plain witout the sauce though. The fires r rly good too."
    Joei MJoei M · Agosto 29, 2016
    Frango Frito
    · Houston, Estados Unidos