Jessie Sheeran

Jessie Sheeran


Portland, OR
  • 27 Dicas
  • 48 Seguidores
  • 54 Seguindo
  • 2 Listas
Listas de Jessie em Todas as cidades
  • Milwaukie
  • Portland
  • Todas as cidades
As principais cidades de Jessie
1 Dica
26 Dicas
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Jessie Sheeran
32 locais atualizados
32 lugares incluindo Goodfoot Pub & Lounge, Tin Shed, The Pied Cow, Doug Fir Lounge
Jessie Sheeran
88 locais atualizados
88 lugares incluindo Eclectic, Taqueria Los Gorditos, The Pink Door, Sisters Farmer's Market
    Dicas recentes de Jessie
    "Not just a coffee shop. This place caters to DIY yogurt, cheese, canning, etc. You walk in the door for coffee and walk out with a brand new cheese hobby! Love it."
    Jessie SheeranJessie Sheeran · Fevereiro 15, 2013
    · Portland, Estados Unidos
    "This place is so damn cool! They have all kinds of natural wonders. It's half museum, half shop. They're jewelry is to die for! And all pretty affordable too. :)"
    Jessie SheeranJessie Sheeran · Fevereiro 15, 2013
    Loja de Presentes
    · Portland, Estados Unidos
    "Before buying anything for your home new, check this place out. It's kind of like a fixer-upper's dream. You can spend $1 an old window screen for earnings, or a shutter to hang on your wall for mail."
    Jessie SheeranJessie Sheeran · Fevereiro 15, 2013
    Loja de Móveis e Artigos de Casa
    · Portland, Estados Unidos
    "Love this place! It has every game I could ever want, has evening game nights, AND charges $5 for 3 day game rentals for game nights at home. They're also on the Supportland network, which is awesome!"
    Jessie SheeranJessie Sheeran · Fevereiro 15, 2013
    Brinquedos / Jogos
    · Portland, Estados Unidos
    "Christiane Poppmeier is superb! She owns the manor, hosts, serves, busses tables, and has a wonderfully jovial attitude all the while. Love her!"
    Jessie SheeranJessie Sheeran · Fevereiro 15, 2013
    Salão de Casamento
    · Milwaukie, Estados Unidos