Jennifer Meineke

Jennifer Meineke


I love God. I love my husband and kids. I have an unhealthy attachment to coffee. I adore good music, and I like to sing.

Plano, TX
  • 4 Dicas
  • 33 Seguidores
  • 58 Seguindo
  • 2 Listas
Listas de Jennifer em Todas as cidades
  • Murphy
  • Richardson
  • Plano
  • Todas as cidades
As principais cidades de Jennifer
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Jennifer Meineke
1 locais atualizados
1 lugar incluindo Phoenix Nails & Spa
Jennifer Meineke
7 locais atualizados
7 lugares incluindo Women's Health Alliance, The Allen Wickers Sports Pub & Grill, Babe's Chicken Dinner House, Phoenix Nails & Spa
    "Fabulous school with superb teachers and administration. It is school with a high population of low income & ESL students, and the staff works so hard to cater to your child's education."
    Jennifer MeinekeJennifer Meineke · Setembro 6, 2012
    Ensino Primário
    · Plano, Estados Unidos
    "The place is super sanitary, and they've always done a fabulous job. Even the cheapest pedicure package feels indulgent. Don't get me started on how wonderful the more deluxe packages are."
    Jennifer MeinekeJennifer Meineke · Julho 18, 2012
    Manicure / Pedicure
    · Plano, Estados Unidos
    "What a great training environment. My son loves coming, and we have the added benefit of better behavior."
    Jennifer MeinekeJennifer Meineke · Maio 16, 2012
    Escola de Artes Marciais
    · Murphy, Estados Unidos
    "Bottomless coffee. Veggie omelet. BLT is amazing... Try it with avocado."
    Jennifer MeinekeJennifer Meineke · Maio 12, 2012
    Café da manhã
    · Richardson, Estados Unidos