Ten Raku is one of LA.

1. Ten Raku

4177 W 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA
Restaurante Coreano · Wilshire Center - Koreatown · 10 dicas e avaliações
Milo and Olive is one of LA.

2. Milo and Olive

2723 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Mônica, CA
Padaria · 131 dicas e avaliações
Tsujita Annex is one of LA.

3. Tsujita Annex

2050 Sawtelle Blvd (at Mississippi Ave), Los Angeles, CA
Casa de Macarrão Oriental · West Los Angeles · 52 dicas e avaliações
Guerrilla Tacos is one of LA.

4. Guerrilla Tacos

826 E 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA
Casa de Tacos · Arts District · 35 dicas e avaliações

5. Pot at the Line Hotel

3515 Wilshire Blvd (at Normandie), Los Angeles, CA
Restaurante Coreano · Wilshire Center - Koreatown · 79 dicas e avaliações

EaterEater: Try the sizeable bowls, the uni dynamite (small but packed with flavor), and the grilled meats. Actually, almost everything is going to be a winner here. Just arrive early or be prepared to wait. Leia mais.

Jun Won is one of LA.

6. Jun Won

3100 W 8th St #101 (S. Berendo St.), Los Angeles, CA
Restaurante Coreano · Wilshire Center - Koreatown · 7 dicas e avaliações

EaterEater: Standout dishes include the seafood pajeon, pan-fried yellow corvina, sauteed spicy octopus, or steaming bean curd soup. Don't forget the rustic, fresh banchan that changes often. Leia mais.

7. Sqirl Kitchen

720 N Virgil Ave (at Marathon St), Los Angeles, CA
Restaurante Neo-Americano · East Hollywood · 202 dicas e avaliações