This is the largest airport in Germany and one of the largest in Europe, so expect it to be very busy at all times. Lots of restaurants, stores, charging stations and of course, free Wi-Fi!
Si bien su tamaño puede desconcertar, está muy bien organizado. Cuenta con una excelente variedad de tiendas, restaurantes y terminal de trenes regionales y larga distancia. Un placer volar aquí.
Frankfurt Airport offers passengers the chance to surf the Net around the clock, free of charge. The WiFi network is available through the HotSpot portal of Deutsche Telekom and its use is unlimited.
Lo que más me gusta de este aeropuerto, es el wifi gratuito por 24 horas, realmente es de Telekom y tienes el acceso en toda la cuidad, pero aquí es donde te conectas, bien!
There are multiple ways to get to Z gates from the A gates and the other way around. Always look for a Z sign sometimes they are on the left and right sides as you walk straight to the larger Z sign
Çok düzenli ve temiz.. güvenlik kontrollerinde çok hassas oldukları kesin o yüzden uçuş saati öncesi varışınızı iyi ayarlayın Pay attention to security control Point!Arrv on time
Всюду бесплатный wifi. Не торопитесь покупать горячие напитки, около каждых ворот есть бесплатные автоматы с кофе и чаем. Ориентироваться тут можно по приложению аэропорта, ищите в Апстор.
Unbedingt das Securitypersonal nett grüssen. Dann wird mit einem Lächeln zurückgegrüsst und das leidige Sicherheitsprozedere flutscht viel angenehmer durch.
В зоне вылета D (шенген) по пути от начала двадцатых гейтов к двадцать седьмому после спуска на эскалаторе обнаружена пустая зона с удобными полулежачими креслами. Рекомендую.
Frankfurt Airport offers passengers the chance to surf the Net around the clock, free of charge. The WiFi network is available through the HotSpot portal of Deutsche Telekom and its use is unlimited.
Wi-fi теперь дается БЕСПЛАТНО. Халява приди :) поэтому спокойно логиньтесь и юзайте паутину ) этот аэропорт очень уютный и хороший :) а тем кто поставит лайк скоро ждет хорошая новость :)
The airport is huge so check your gate well in time or you might have to run to get there. There are plenty of cafes and shops on the way which might distract you as well so be on time. 😉
Don’t bother planning your route by looking at the airport map, Einstein almost didn’t make it out of Germany trying to figure out that stupid map. Just follow the signs, it’s far but not confusing.
Definitivamente todo. Es un aeropuerto muyoderno con buen Internet, bastantes.puntos de carga una muy buena zona de salazar VIP y en mi opinión la.mejor aerolínea del mundo LUFTHANSA
In Board Technik wie Kopfhörer etc. Für die Langstrecke am bestehen mach der Sicherheitskontrolle kaufen. Hab dadurch 100 EUR für einen Sennheiser gespart :))
No security during a connection, but they did check my passport the walk between was ridiculous though. 1hr!!! You should be able to call an Uber here! 🚕
Uno degli aeroporti più grandi d’Europa. Davvero ben organizzato e con personale agli infopoint molto cordiali. Fortunatamente È presente un trenino “skyline” che collega i Terminal per le coincidenze
Впринципе все понятно и удобно) вылетали Люфтганзой и регистрацию проводили самостоятельно через терминал. Для нас - быстро и удобно, но для людей старшего возраста и без знания языка-будет нервно)
It has a yoga room! Which other airport offers it? Additionally the service at the duty free and other stores is among the best I experienced - and I do know airports!
Die XXL Vorfeldrundfahrt war echt super! Der Tourguide gab sich wirklich Mühe uns viele Highlights zu zeigen! Echt top! Der Sonnenuntergang und die danach befeuerte Landebahn sah super aus!
Germany‘s gate to the world. You can go almost anywhere from there. I like the healthy bowls at ”Natoo“ in Terminal 1. FRA is very busy, plan enough time.
Aéroport de très bonne qualité. Lorsque vous accédez au Business Lounge Lufthansa préférez le lounge au centre de l'aéroport c'est le plus confortable. Sinon le Duty Free est énorme !!
Great airport to spend up to 5 hours without getting out! A lot of shopping places, cafés and restaraunts (including authentic german one on the ground floor). Free WiFi for 24h.
Огромный аэропорт! Невероятное количество магазинов и кафе, однако легко заплутать. Есть зоны для курения, много сидячих мест. Автоматическая регистрация на рейс. Немцы правда очень подозрительные :)
One of The Biggest Airports in Europe !!! Duty-free stores are all over the Airport. If you flying from Terminal Z you Should try Traditional Bakery ... Good Quick Food before your next Flight 👍
Frankfurt Airport is Germany's largest aviation hub with more than 70 million passengers in 2019. More than 100 airlines fly to 275 destinations in 111 countries with approximately 1,400 flights per day.