Film Forum

Film Forum

Cinema Independente
Hudson Square, Nova Iorque
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    Os experts de Village Voice e Time Out New York recomendam este local
    • Village Voice
    • Time Out New York
  • Dicas
    David F.
    "Great brownies, banana bread and other snacks as well (poços)."(5 dicas)
    John S.
    "This theater (teatro) has the best popcorn in NYC."(8 dicas)
    Claudia F.
    "Shows some of the best films in the city (cidades)."(4 dicas)
    The Criterion Collection
    "whose banana bread (banana)"(2 dicas)
Ícone de Dicas e Avaliações84 Dicas e avaliações
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  • teatro
  • poços
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  • Louis M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Louis MattaJulho 16, 2015
    Easily the best revival theater in NYC. A great assortment of classics, art house, indie, and documentary. A staple of the NYC film community.
  • Gothamist
    GothamistFevereiro 12, 2015
    This legendary theater on West Houston has legendarily cramped seating that forces you to pay attention to the screen. It's real strength is showing films of yesteryear, many themed together. Leia mais
    Voto a favor Jan 15
  • Natasha M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Natasha MoriniFevereiro 21, 2015
    Esteve aqui mais de 25 vezes!
    My husband and I could watch movies all day here. The membership is definitely worth it. They have great 2-for-1 movies as well. Beware the popcorn is made with peanut oil which I'm allergic to.
    Voto a favor 1 dia atrás
  • AlAnoud A A.
    AlAnoud A AlGhunaimFevereiro 21, 2022
    Quirky, fun, the good kind of vintage. Not your typical theater experience nor choice of movies but an extremely recommended experience. Popcorn in here is nostalgic in a way I can’t describe✨
  • Oz L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Oz LublingDezembro 15, 2014
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    A NYC institution showing amazing gems. One of the few places in town where you can still feel the creativity of old New York.
  • David F.
    David FarréNovembro 26, 2018
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Best popcorn in NYC. Great brownies, banana bread and other snacks as well.
  • Valerie S.
    Valerie SecklerAgosto 2, 2019
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Film Forum updated its cinema with new, comfortable theater seating & a fresh marquee resembling the vintage model. Con Edison engineered newly lit movie screens and the new marquee.
  • SundanceTV
    SundanceTVJulho 13, 2012
    The place has great international movie selections that aren't playing anywhere else in NYC.. AND they serve coffee!! The popcorn and other snacks are 100% top shelf
  • Mark C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Mark CrozerJunho 20, 2017
    Love this place! They show a consistently great selection of new independent and classic movies. I took out a one year membership and haven't regretted it in the least.
  • martin t.
    martin trevinoJulho 25, 2023
    Best known as the star of Disney’s 101 Dalmatians, this sleek and athletic They started out as a coach dog but also served in many other capacities,
  • IrmaZandl Z.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    IrmaZandl ZandlSlantDezembro 6, 2014
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Always interesting line-up of movies - many documentaries eg today I saw national gallery.
  • Time Out New York
    Time Out New YorkOutubro 31, 2011
    The best theater to catch your favorite old movie has exquisite repertory and revival programming such as pre-Code oldies, ’70s NYC crime thrillers and French classics —plus gourmet snacks! Leia mais
  • KEícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    KEMaio 15, 2016
    Film selection is curated so well! Love the size of the theater, the previews, the movies, the general atmosphere
  • Will H.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Will HarahanAgosto 23, 2018
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Loving the new seats since the renovation, and their double features are a great deal when offered.
  • Dk J.
    Dk JingAgosto 14, 2024
    The environment is very nice and the design is very distinctive. There's a lot of great movies. I love it here.
  • smile f.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    smile from The Lower East SideAbril 19, 2024
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    Be sure to check out the kid friendly shows every weekend — smile
  • Holiday
    HolidayNovembro 15, 2016
    Treat yourself to the basic $75 annual membership, if you see one movie a month it pays for itself. Better yet go weekly to try to avoid the human race.
  • Ken S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Ken StaffeyAgosto 4, 2019
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    A great venue for quirky independent films and retrospectives. And they have new seats!!
  • Mary O.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Mary OFevereiro 24, 2014
    Get here early and bring cash. The theaters are small and can fill up quickly. P.S. - The egg creams are delicious!
  • John S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    John SwordsAgosto 22, 2014
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    This theater has the best popcorn in NYC. They don't offer butter but all it needs is sea salt provided at the counter.
  • The Corcoran Group
    The Corcoran GroupNovembro 12, 2010
    Amazing selection of first-rate classic movies. Ever wanted to see Raging Bull on the big screen, this is where to go! Great lectures too.
  • Matt D.
    Matt DorvilleAgosto 10, 2014
    Best popcorn in all of New York and they serve pretty good movies as well.
  • SPIN
    SPINJulho 19, 2011
    Brian Oblivion of Cults calls this his favorite movie theater in the city! "One time I ended up sitting next to Christopher Guest. Laughing with him was the coolest thing ever."
  • John P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    John PaterakisSetembro 28, 2016
    Wonderfully broad selection of classic films and exotic indies.
  • Compass
    CompassJulho 24, 2013
    Since 1972, Film Forum has shown some of the rarest and highly regarded films of its time. Catch movie marathons, one-time screenings, and directors’ lectures.
  • Kelsey L.
    Kelsey LeeMaio 3, 2015
    They always play an eclectic but awesome selection of movies, but the popcorn is really barebones
  • Jonathan J.
    Jonathan JacksonMarço 24, 2010
    a great place that we loves...although if they aren't going to take credit cards they should make their ticket price 10 bucks...I'm going to the ATM to take out 40 bucks for a friends and myself to go
  • Lucy G.
    Lucy GoldsteinAgosto 7, 2010
    See all kinds of great revivals at the Film Forum. Fight the urge to pop a cap in all the Criterion snobs and self-congratulatory Baby Boomer film buffs who talk for the entire duration of the film.
  • Shahícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    ShahOutubro 22, 2018
    Sadly, the renovation was a missed opportunity and leaves a lot to be desired. You’ll probably love this place if you’re tall, otherwise, enjoy bad popcorn and the back of someone’s head.
  • Kit T.
    Kit ThompsonMaio 18, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Great place, great films. But get there early and bring your own hot melted butter. They oddly don't offer any.
  • Janet C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Janet Clarke BellMarço 19, 2018
    Great place to see an indépendant film in the Village.
  • Carmen N.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Carmen NAbril 3, 2016
    It's all about the well curated programming. 👺👓⭐️🎭🎬📽❤️
  • Ren W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Ren WAgosto 7, 2014
    Great selection of movies.
  • Zach L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Zach LinderJaneiro 6, 2010
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    Best revival house (and arthouse) cinema in NYC. See a great old New York movie or Woody Allen film here.
  • pipituícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    pipituMarço 15, 2018
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    The Ingmar Bergman festival has been fantastic!
  • Village Voice
    Village VoiceNovembro 11, 2011
    Winner of Best Place to Watch Old Movies in the Village Voice 2011 Best Of issue!
  • Talia M.
    Talia MarshallSetembro 7, 2013
    Get here early and avoid the long line outside!!! Just wait inside instead ;)
  • Claudia F.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Claudia FilthMarço 8, 2016
    Shows some of the best films in the city.
  • Ron H.
    Ron HsuMaio 28, 2019
    Could really use an ATM if the credit card minimum is $9. A small popcorn is $5.5
  • Brendan M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Brendan MMaio 15, 2015
    The best short run program in the city
  • Florian G.
    Florian GröneJunho 2, 2013
    Good film, though non-smoking.
  • Alex R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Alex RobertsonJaneiro 11, 2017
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    still no student deal, but they take cash now: 14 bucks a pop.
  • Phoenix 💥💥💥
    Phoenix 💥💥💥Setembro 4, 2014
    Best place to watch old movies in the village
  • John D.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    John DowlingJaneiro 12, 2024
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Great programming, prints, and sound
  • The Criterion Collection
    The only arthouse cinema in New York whose banana bread is endorsed by postmodern luminary Jacques Derrida. Leia mais
  • Vera K.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Vera KernJulho 13, 2017
    Great selection of films
  • Gossip Girl
    Gossip GirlJulho 23, 2010
    Come for the movie, stay for the MFA cuties at the downtown screening center that V adores. Leia mais
  • Daniel M.
    Daniel MaldonadoFevereiro 15, 2019
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    The new & improved!
  • Jeff O.
    Jeff OrlickFevereiro 25, 2014
    BYOB (bring your own butter)
  • Simon T.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Simon TschinkelJulho 30, 2015
    Beware: small screens and I call bullshit on the fact they only take cash.
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