Sorn Savisith |. • Dezembro 1, 2014Systematic ramen restaurant. It's a must to try. Buy ingredients at the machine then select how mild or strong of your ramen when you have a seat. #ENGLISH menu please
Hianmin T. • Março 31, 2019An aromatic soup base made for grilled flying fish. Adding rice to remaining soup is highly recommended to end the meal.
Hianmin T. • Março 31, 2019Chicken soup based ramen. Rich and full of collagen. Modern setting with a menu that explores new flavours of lemon and yuzu.
Fuyuhiko T. • Junho 29, 2024ラーメン改からの独立店。鹿肉を使ったコンソメラーメンは珍しいかな。ドライトマト、ごぼう、エリンギなどのトッピングも良い。座席7席でワンオペで1杯づつ作ってるので着丼まではやや時間かかるかな。
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