Eelyn Chan

Eelyn Chan

Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
  • 6 Dicas
  • 531 Seguidores
  • 298 Seguindo
  • 4 Listas
Listas de Eelyn em Todas as cidades
  • Singapore
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Petaling Jaya
  • George Town
  • Todas as cidades
As principais cidades de Eelyn
2 Listas criadas! · 3 Dicas
Kuala Lumpur
1 Lista criada · 1 Dica
Petaling Jaya
1 Lista criada
George Town
1 Lista criada
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Eelyn Chan
1 locais atualizados Novembro 5, 2015
1 lugar incluindo MacRitchie Nature Trails
Eelyn Chan
12 locais atualizados Novembro 5, 2015
12 lugares incluindo China House 唐人厝, Basil, Le Bistrot, Saveur, Artichoke
Eelyn Chan
2 locais atualizados
2 lugares incluindo Rich And Good Cake Shop, Sarnies
Eelyn Chan
23 locais atualizados
23 lugares incluindo Green House Hokkien Mee (青屋蝦麵), Miam Miam, EURO DELI, Carl's Jr.
    "OMG! The durian mousse here is to-die-for! A must-order whenever I visit here.😍 Durianmisu (tiramisu but no durian topping pls) is quite delicious too, but too awkward combination for me I would say."
    Eelyn ChanEelyn Chan · Maio 17, 2015
    · Singapura, Cingapura
    "I like this mall. Good to shop. Not as jam packed as other shopping malls."
    Eelyn ChanEelyn Chan · Agosto 26, 2014
    Shopping Center
    · Singapura, Cingapura
    "Nice ambience. Good sound system. But movie always start 15-20min late than the time scheduled. For advertising purpose I guess."
    Eelyn ChanEelyn Chan · Agosto 26, 2014
    · Singapura, Cingapura
    "New concept (2 different sections for order & pickup) but apparently even more SUCKS ! I've waited for 25min yet they still serve wrong order ! SHIT"
    Eelyn ChanEelyn Chan · Junho 17, 2012
    Fast Food
    · Kuala Lumpur, Malásia
    "Workers working system & physical touch point not good. 'Pearl' should be the main ingredient but it finished at 3.20pm . "
    Eelyn ChanEelyn Chan · Novembro 3, 2011
    Chá de Bolhas / Suco de Pobá
    · Seberang Jaya, Malásia
    "Internet connection here still god damn slow. TARC should upgrade it. "
    Eelyn ChanEelyn Chan · Agosto 2, 2011
    · Tanjong Bungah, Malásia