First person to drink all 33 beers gets a free happy hour (but not really because our lawyers say we can't say that). DRINKPHILLY.COM (we should really stop checking in while drunk) Leia mais.
Games on Saturdays. Join the league and practice Monday and Wednesday nights and weekend days. Leia mais.
This is the spot to get your "We the People" on. Did you know that the dimensions of Signers’ Hall are the same as the room where the document was signed in Independence Hall, only two blocks away? Leia mais.
More than 500 pieces comprise the permanent collection of Andy’s multimedia art here. Peruse “Pop,” but be warned, you may never see a sign the same way again. Leia mais.
Before 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, this was site of the President’s House and Philly was the US Capital. 9 enslaved Africans are commemorated here. Leia mais.