David Van Os

David Van Os


Grand Rapids, MI
  • 2 Dicas
  • 13 Seguidores
  • 10 Seguindo
  • 2 Listas
Listas de David em Todas as cidades
  • Comstock Park
  • Walker
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As principais cidades de David
Comstock Park
1 Dica
1 Dica
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David Van Os
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David Van Os
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    "showed up for an early dinner and they wouldn't seat us without reservations and they wouldn't give us the option to wait. The hostess was polite about it, but turning away business is just not cool."
    David Van OsDavid Van Os · Fevereiro 28, 2012
    · Comstock Park, Estados Unidos
    "Avoid this one, I've found big chunks of bone in three burgers, shreds of clear plastic wrap stuff in my frosty, and all in the last three months during separate visits. At least the fries are good."
    David Van OsDavid Van Os · Janeiro 1, 2012
    Fast Food
    · Walker, Estados Unidos