"Garlic Ramen is awesome!!!"
· Addison, Estados Unidos
7.9"Can't wait to move our of this abominable, half-assed, shanty of a place. Also, why not fix the elevator when it dies. Most recently it kicked the bucket, and it was a PITA. Parking Garage much?!?!"
Apartamento ou Condomínio
"Excellent customer service, and prompt check in/out."
Locadora de Veículos
· Plano, Estados Unidos
6.6"Videogame nirvana for the super nerd!"
Loja de Videogames
· Plano, Estados Unidos
7.2"This place needs some hott latin mamis!!!"
· Plano, Estados Unidos
7.7"No mas Baja gorditas or chalupas, grrr!!!"
Fast Food
· Dallas, Estados Unidos