BU Student Union

BU Student Union


Follow BU Student Union for all the latest updates about Union initiatives and to stay up to date on our events and all the places around campus and Boston that you should be checking out!

Boston, MA
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  • Boston
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As principais cidades de BU Student Union
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"The best place to host your student group's event. Just go to the BU Central office located in the bottom of the GSU to schedule a time. There is no charge to host an event at BU Central."
BU Student UnionBU Student Union · Abril 18, 2012
Casa de Shows
· Boston, Estados Unidos
"A great place in addition to Union where students can converse, hang out, study and collaborate on projects. Plus, FREE bagels every Friday!"
BU Student UnionBU Student Union · Abril 18, 2012
"A great place for student groups to setup booths and tables during the day to promote. Email chapel@bu.edu for permission & scheduling. You don't need permission to setup on the sidewalk in front."
BU Student UnionBU Student Union · Abril 18, 2012
· Boston, Estados Unidos
"Every other Monday Student Union has its Senate meetings in PHO 210. Everyone at BU is welcome to come sit in, listen or speak to the Senate. Come find out what initiatives we are working on!"
BU Student UnionBU Student Union · Abril 18, 2012
Sala de Aula
· Boston, Estados Unidos
"Did you know that any student can do work or eat lunch in the Student Union office? Stop by and chat with us. A representative from Union will always be in the office Monday thru Friday until 5 pm."
BU Student UnionBU Student Union · Abril 18, 2012
Faculdade e Educação
· Boston, Estados Unidos