Burt Burton

Burt Burton

Kennesaw, GA
  • 3 Dicas
  • 25 Seguidores
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  • Atlanta
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Burt Burton
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Burt Burton
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    "If it weren't that this place is walking distance from my house id never go here. They are rude, dirty, everything looks out of stock, they don't follow their own sale signs. Avoid if possible"
    Burt BurtonBurt Burton · Janeiro 16, 2012
    · Atlanta, Estados Unidos
    "The one leg curl machine has been "out of order" for about 3 months. Just ignore the sign and move the lower leg pad to the side you want to use. It still works just fine"
    Burt BurtonBurt Burton · Dezembro 1, 2011
    Ginásio Esportivo
    · Atlanta, Estados Unidos
    "Be careful living here. I got robbed and all they did was tell me "crime is everywhere.""
    Burt BurtonBurt Burton · Novembro 11, 2011
    Apartamento ou Condomínio
    · Atlanta, Estados Unidos