Sarah Apold

Sarah Apold


Boston, ma
  • 2 Dicas
  • 27 Seguidores
  • 35 Seguindo
  • 2 Listas
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  • Boston
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As principais cidades de Sarah
2 Dicas
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Sarah Apold
3 locais atualizados
3 lugares incluindo Beacon Hill Pub, Flour Bakery + Cafe, Royale
Sarah Apold
15 locais atualizados
15 lugares incluindo T.J. Maxx, MIT Recreation, Bank of America, Panera Bread
    "Is closed..."
    Sarah ApoldSarah Apold · Fevereiro 21, 2013
    Salão de Bronzeamento
    · Boston, Estados Unidos
    "Speak Spanish to each other, left while he was making my sandwich and told me there was no white bread so I had to choose another kind that had obviously been sitting there all day and was stale."
    Sarah ApoldSarah Apold · Janeiro 18, 2013
    · Boston, Estados Unidos