Alex Elgarten

Alex Elgarten

  • 2 Dicas
  • 1 Seguidores
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  • 2 Listas
Listas de Alex em Todas as cidades
  • Brooklyn
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As principais cidades de Alex
2 Dicas
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Alex Elgarten
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Alex Elgarten
3 locais atualizados
3 lugares incluindo Tacos Morelos, Ample Hills Creamery, Broccolino
    "Gotta get the chorizo tacos. Gotta"
    Alex ElgartenAlex Elgarten · Abril 26, 2015
    Food Truck
    · Brooklyn, Estados Unidos
    "You seriously can't lose. It's all money. I would roll with peanut butter cup or oatmeal cookie but you do you. Sample everything. Hot fudge is also good if thats your thing like it is mine."
    Alex ElgartenAlex Elgarten · Abril 2, 2015
    · Brooklyn, Estados Unidos