20 favorite restaurants
Yerba Buena is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

1. Yerba Buena

23 Avenue A (at E 2nd St), Nova Iorque, NY
Restaurante Latino-Americano · East Village · 190 dicas e avaliações
Amor Cubano is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

2. Amor Cubano

2018 3rd Ave (at E 111th St.), Nova Iorque, NY
Restaurante Cubano · East Harlem · 93 dicas e avaliações
Room Service is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

3. Room Service

166 8th Ave (btwn 18th & 19th), Nova Iorque, NY
Restaurante Tailandês · Chelsea · 75 dicas e avaliações
Kafana is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

4. Kafana

116 Avenue C (at E 8th St), Nova Iorque, NY
Restaurante do Leste Europeu · Alphabet City · 80 dicas e avaliações