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Restaurante Mediterrâneo, Bar e Bar de Coquetéis$$$$
Los Angeles
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    Os experts de Los Angeles Times e LA Weekly recomendam este local
    • Los Angeles Times
    • LA Weekly
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  • Amanda A.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Amanda AzadiMaio 12, 2014
  • LA Weekly
    LA WeeklyJaneiro 16, 2015
    Enjoy thinly sliced raw beef topped with black truffle-stuffed fried rice balls, exotic flammable cocktails while surround by ornate Moroccan decor. $40 will get you a 3-course dinner during dineLA. Leia mais
  • LAist
    LAistNovembro 11, 2014
    The cocktail menu takes drinkers on a trip through the art form's history, starting with old school punches and ending with an ode to one of the country's finest craft cocktail bars, Milk & Honey. Leia mais
  • Andrew C.
    Andrew CurryNovembro 1, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    This place is so beautiful inside and the overall atmosphere is perfect. It's not stuffy or pretentious but it does remind me of an old time Hollywood lounge. The food is killer and drinks on point.
  • Los Angeles Times
    Los Angeles TimesJaneiro 17, 2014
    "Most dishes are small, meant to be shared: a rustic loaf with house-churned butter, radishes and sea salt, a crouton topped with sheep's milk ricotta, persimmons and chestnut honey..." Leia mais
  • ブルーノ
    ブルーノMaio 24, 2014
    Such an amazing place with a cool vibe and good drinks! Feels like Morocco!
  • Kelly B.
    Kelly BoneSetembro 14, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    There is an entire vegetarian menu on the back of the standard one! Merci!!!
  • Caroline O.
    Caroline On CrackAgosto 16, 2014
    Happy hour 6-8pm Tues-Fri! $7 bartender's choice.
  • Caroline O.
    Caroline On CrackAgosto 10, 2013
    Josh Goldman and Julian Cox, the cocktail duo behind drink programs like Petty Cash, creates the drink menu here.
  • Kelly B.
    Kelly BoneSetembro 14, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    The veggie Mushroom Buns are a must!
  • Chad W.
    Chad WilsonJaneiro 25, 2014
    The food was so amazing that you can't choose just one
  • Veronica C.
    Veronica CaballeroFevereiro 6, 2014
    Grab a zombie! Cool under fire ;)
  • Amanda A.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Amanda AzadiMaio 12, 2014
    Here's more of what went on here.
  • Julia R.
    Julia ReissDezembro 16, 2013
    Get the prawns! Do NOT skip dessert.
  • Alex S.
    Alex StrausJunho 21, 2013
    Drink anything w Akvinta, Atlantico Rum, Tequila Ocho, or Pierde Almas
  • Caroline O.
    Caroline On CrackAgosto 10, 2013
    There's a dedicated vegetarian menu!
  • Ninon Z.
    Ninon ZenovichAgosto 18, 2013
    Amazing food and ambiance!
  • DAN C.
    DAN COXOutubro 5, 2013
    Ask for "the Uncle Poodle."
  • Didier M.
    Didier Moinel DelalandeSetembro 9, 2013
    The Moroccan delight...
  • Lori S.
    Lori SAgosto 21, 2013
    Get the porn bread!
  • Fenny F.
    Fenny FenJaneiro 5, 2014
    I feel like I'm on shahs of sunset.
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